What are some common signs of oxidation on a pin locks for badges?

Here are some common signs that pin locks for badges may be experiencing oxidation:

Reddish/brown discoloration

Oxidation typically causes metal to take on a rust-like red, brown or faded appearance.

Powdery texture

As oxidation progresses, rust particles may rub off onto fingers leaving behind a powdery residue.

Pitting or spots

Small pits or irregular brown/black spots develop where rust has eaten into the metal surface.

Flaking or peeling

In advanced cases, rust can undermine the metal layer and cause it to flake or peel off in small bits.

Sticking or locking up

Internal corrosion builds up friction, keeping the lock mechanisms from moving freely.

Dark staining

Rust compounds bleeding from the lock housing mark or stain surrounding materials.

Surface bubbles

Trapped rust causes metal to bulge or bubble out in various pockmarked areas.

Loss of luster

An originally shiny metal surface will become dull and faded as protective finishes break down.

Regular cleaning, lubrication and application of protective coatings helps pin locks resist oxidation damage over time.